So, I have officially been tagged by a good friend...
Camille. I am suppose to list 7 Randomly Honest things that you may not know about me. So... here it goes.
1] I am incapable of being still... just ask my husband. I am constantly doing something, whether it be working, housework, sewing, playing with my kiddos, planning... I could go on... but I will spare you. :) Apparently, even when I am sleeping I am moving around.... sorry Richie. I MUST have something to work on if I am going to be sitting still.

2] I don't watch much TV, however there are two shows that I just have to watch every week,
House and
Bones. I actually get quite frustrated when Fox decides to show American Idol in place of these shows... Honestly... how much longer can this show go on?
3] As a kid, I took gymnastics for 7 years at
SOKOL Dallas. It is a Czech gymnastics organization. My Dad's side of the family is Czech.

I was never able to do the back handsprings and back flips like my sister. I just never could get used to my lanky body while growing up... we'll just say I was a bit of a clutz.... that would be me on the right and my sister on the left.

I am proud to say that I can actually still do a handstand, cartwheel, round-off and back bend. Woohoo!
4] I always try to give tips to the Sonic Carhops as I, too, worked at a Sonic as a summer job in High School after life guarding at the city pool. nice tan... right? WOULD LOVE to have that again. I look like a ghost compared to that now. :{

5] I hate talking about politics! It does nothing but make me frustrated and rather not go there.
6] I do NOT enjoy cooking. Don't get me wrong... I know how to and can do so successfully... most of the time. I would much rather call in a pizza or pick up something from our local Sonic... since that is all we have in our little town.

You know you are in Texas when you see a John Deer tractor pulled into the Sonic! (actual picture taken by me at our local sonic)
7] I enjoy drawing... although I have not done it in a really long time. I used to draw portraits all the time... then it seemed like time just got shorter....hmmm. This particular portrait I sketched in 1998.

So... that is a little bit about me that you may have not already known.
Now, to TAG some other people.
How about...
Monica, and anyone else that wants to join in the fun!