Also, check out our October 2008 Fabricmatcher winner for the "Fun with Figs" contest! Amber has a very cute blog you will have to check out! Go on over and say HI!
The rules for the contest are as follows:
1 – You must only use Red and Green fabrics.You can easily find fabrics that are Red and Green by using the Color Matching Tool under Find Fabrics, then click on the Color Matcher tab. Select a Red and/or Green and search away!

3 – Your project must be named “Holiday Bliss“ in order to be eligible. You may enter as many projects as you wish, however they must have “Holiday Bliss“ as the project name. Simply number them with a 1, 2, 3, etc. after the name.
4 – The “Holiday Bliss” Contest will end on November 30, 2008 at midnight.
REMEMBER: You must have your Stash including your Projects available for the Public to view. You can make your stash public by following the instructions under the heading "How to enter" on the Win a Quilt Kit page under the Show & Tell tab.
The Moda judges will select and announce the winning project the first week of December 2008. The winner of this contest will win a Holiday Basket filled with our favorite things and your project will be posted on our Moda Fabricmatcher website.