Project is all finished, tutorial has been written, and the Recipe has been posted!

The tutorial features the fabric collection Aviary by 3 Sisters for Moda. I designed a pair of toddler suspenders out of Jelly Roll strips and then made a dress using Bananafana's newest pattern, Lollipop. I love the way they turned out... kind of reminds me of an early 1900s style... with a modern twist. Thank you, Jess for designing such an adorable pattern for me to feature on our Moda Bake Shop!
With all this Easter inspiration, I think this calls for a Giveaway! Leave me a comment with a little bit about yourself and something fun that you do now or did growing up for Easter and you could win Bananafana's newest pattern, Lollipop! Here is an example...
My name is Angela, I live in Texas. I am married to a wonderful man and have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. Growing up we would leave our empty Easter baskets and a carrot out for the Easter bunny the night before Easter morning. In the morning we would have to find where the Easter bunny hid our filled baskets and see if the Easter bunny ate his carrot. Our Easter bunny always made a mess when he ate his carrot and left lots of evidence. :)
UPDATE... Contest ends Monday, April 6, 2009! You still have a little more time, so get your comments in! I have included an extra little surprise with the giveaway!
Hi Angela ... Am I really the first?!! Yippee.. I knew staying up late to finish burp cloths would pay off. My name is Nicole and why am I sewing burp cloths.. you guessed it.. Im preggers with our second child. It is going to be a boy and we are going to name him Easton. We have a daughter, Ellie that is almost three and is THRILLED for Easter around the corner. What would be Easter without lots of eggs, right? We are big egg decorators here. In fact, we have a play date next week for our first couple dozen of eggs to be colored. Hurray!! The dead giveaway that we have been coloring eggs.. our multi colored fingers. Hurray for vinegar! What a great giveaway... I'll keep my fingers crossed. :)
ReplyDeleteBeing from Minnesota (I'm Mary) Easter was an entire array of weather. But no matter if it was snow, rain or warm sunshine, it was the one day of the year that the entire family (nine children) were dressed their best for Easter Sunday Mass. I can remember going through the hand-me-down dresses, coats and bonnets choosing the perfect outfit. A few times I even got something new to wear!
ReplyDeleteAngela I love those suspenders, good job. I am Sheri, and I live in Idaho. My sister and I always got a new Easter Dress sewn by my mom, it is one of my happiest memories. I love new dresses, and I HAVE to have a new Easter dress even to this day! Thanks for the give away! p.s.(check out my
ReplyDeleteOh, Cherry Oh table topper!)
The easter bunny would always leave one of those large eggs with like a nougat center and covered in chocolate. You'd "slice" a sliver off to enjoy. And, of course, a family gathering at my Grandmom's house "up the country". . . What happy times!
ReplyDeleteIt's Nancy, waving at ya from St Louis. I am hoping to see the grandkids on Easter. When I was little my Dad would hover over our chocolate bunny just waiting to steal the ears....LOL
ReplyDeleteI love giveaways and this one is great!!
hey angela!
ReplyDeletei'm vanessa and i'm originally from sunny san diego and find myself living amoungst cows and farmlands in the middle of nowhere utah. i have three boys, and one little girl. my husband and i are trying to create our own traditions as we continue in this wonderful ride called marriage. one tradition i want to start (this year) is to make my daughter a dress for easter, and make ties for the boys to all match. wish me luck!!
Hey! My name is Corey and I just stumbled across this blog looking for cute girls sundress patterns & look what I found!! How cute! As far as Easter traditions, hunting Easter bags filled with yummy candy--my Mom still does this now for us adults and grandkids included!
ReplyDeleteOh my hearts and stars. Could these two be ANY cuter?! I seriously think not!!! Fabulous sewing too. :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Angela, I am Vickie in Ohio. I was born and lived most of my life in Iowa. I have a great husband of 10 years ( we met at the University of Iowa) and 2 little girls. I own my own dental practice in which I work full-time. I don't care to sit idle for long, sewing, quilting and knitting keep me relaxed! It seems I always have projects I am dreaming of making...but never enough time to complete them! At our house the Easter bunny hides my daughters baskets and they have to 'hunt' to find them!
ReplyDeleteMy mother would buy each of her five children a solid one pound chocolate Easter bunny from Gardner's Candy in Central PA. They are still in business and still selling those Easter bunnies.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway.
Hi! My name is Hilda and I always remember that on easter morning we woke up to a beautiful set table with chocolate everywhere! My mom would make a huge breakfast and we would listen to Easter songs and eat breakfast and of course the chocolate. Then we would head to church as a family.
ReplyDeleteHi Angela, I am Dawn from Nevada. We have always loved Easter around here!! Of course we did the color eggs and baskets full of chocolate and gifts. When I grew up I received a new dress with the hat and gloves to go with it until I was old enough to resist!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Kyla and I'm new to quilting but love it so far! this easter is our first easter together as a family on our own, so we're keeping it simple. small easter egg hunt for the little one (1 year old!) and a simple dinner with something special for dessert!
ReplyDeleteAngela, The outfits are adorable! I'm Carol and I live in Glendale, AZ. I'm originally from Colorado. When I was little my Mom would make us really big Easter Baskets with lots of candy. My birthday is always by Easter and one year my Mom got me a cake that looked like Easter with coconut grass and jelly beans for eggs. I would love a chance to win.
ReplyDeleteHi Angela , my name is Mercedes and I follow your blog since Moda Company did the great new blog Bakeshop ( now I think I am addict to it ,he,he )...
ReplyDeleteWell, I live in a town near to Madrid (Spain ) I´m a teacher at school and enjoy with two kids , 11 and 8 , who come with me to school, really funny ! My DH has a lot of patient with me since I am a productive needleworker and lately quilter. I ´m really enjoy every day and my brain is always thinking what to do . Please go to my blog and take a peek. You can enjoy my tutorials too.
The most fun thing I remember was how we blow through the egg to try the was out and then we painted and decorated our home. Here in Spain ,there is no tradition with Easter Bunny but kids enjoy coloring the empty eggs carefully. And that´s all, simple but very funny !!
Hi, I'm Chrys. I live in Canada and have a husband, a cute 21 month old girl and am pregnant with another. On easter we always left out our painted eggs for the bunny guy, then in the morning we would look for hidden candy and our eggs. And we always had new easter clothes, a new dress!
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Suzanne and I live in Oklahoma. When I was little our Easter baskets would be on the mantel every Easter Sunday...and usually my mom was frantically finishing my Easter dress that morning as well!!
ReplyDeleteI have lived in California all my life and my Easter memories are: coloring the good ole hard boiled eggs and 'hunting' for the chocolate candy filled baskets outside on Easter morning.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Rebecca...wife of 22 years, homeschool mom to 5 ages 9-14.......busy teaching, soccer momming, scout leading, church youth group and children's leading, knitter and quilter...gotta do something to keep me sane....wish my girls were still little so they could wear those cute little dresses....will keep the pattern for the Grands though....not in a hurry for them to arrive, mind you....Love the blog.
ReplyDeleteHi Angela, I am a retired long distance Grandmother who now has the luxury to sew and garden all day. Too bad the economy hasn't cooperated. Anyway when my children were young I would drag them all day to church services and knowing this was all a little scary waiting for them at home was their Easter baskets. The Easter baskets had a colored piece of yarn tied to the handle, then I proceded to wrap the yarn all throughout the house, up and down the stairs, in and out of cabinets, all over, inside,outside. You get the picture. When they got home from church they were handed their end of the yarn, each a different color and away they went till they found their Easter Basket hidden away in a closet or the doghouse if it was nice weather. I think they have nice memories of those years. Even when they went off to college I sent an Easter basket with a ball of yarn just to remind them Mom still loves them.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute project! My name is Hillary, I'm a "young" mom with 4 sweet girls and 1 baby boy Jack :) they make me smile everyday! Every year for easter my kids decorate the house like I got to for my mom (maybe it's because I'm exhausted... just a thought:) ) we always use to color eggs and have the egg hunt but my favorite memory was making colored egg salad sandwiches from the hard boiled eggs that had turned colors from the dyeing of the eater eggs :D Everyone has a favorite part... mine usually has to do with the food!
ReplyDeleteHey Angela,
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed that you made up those beautiful patterns. Great job! OK - I'm Amber. I live in Utah. I'm in Montana spending some time with my Sisters, whom I never get to hang out with! We've been quilting and it's been great. Well, for Easter we just did the usual growing up (and now that we've got our own kids) but I just read a cute idea in a magazine of putting coupons in the easter eggs - like one for a family walk, one cooking session with mom, a dollar store treat... I thought that was a cute idea, so I'm going to try it this year. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi, I'm Alisa and live in British Columbia, Canada. I'm a happy and busy mom of 5 children, age 8 and under. My memories of Easter are going to church with my family and learning more about my Saviour's death and ressurection and what that means for me. We do the same with our children.
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm not too late to enter! My name is Allison, I live in Cleveland while my husband is in school. Easters were spent in Idaho with my Grandparents playing Annie-I-Over. (you throw a ball over the roof, if the other team catches your ball they run around and try to tag you!) I love Easter. :)
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Anne. am I still in time for the giveaway? growing up I had a fabric easter basket (exactly like the one on the moda bakeshop) I loved it!
ReplyDeleteHi, Angela, found your web site today . . . just in time to enter for the giveaway! I had a lot of cousins growing up and Aunt Martha and Uncle Spud always hosted the family Easter gathering. Being a "city girl," I loved the chance to go out and see the sheep, run wild through the pastures, and maybe feed a bottle lamb if there were any, and usually there were. We'd all pile onto a hay wagon and take a ride to the far pasture to hunt for hundreds of eggs! What fun. It died down for a few years after all us kids grew up, but now that we have kids of our own, it's their turn to go to Martha's (unfortunately Spud passed on; he would have loved to see all the grand nieces and nephews!) to hunt eggs, run like crazy, and feed a bottle lamb!
ReplyDeleteLove your work! My name is Patty,and would love to win this giveaway! I am from Pittsburgh, PA and work for a very popular food manufacturer that is famous for Ketchup! I'm looking forward to buying a new sewing machine (hopefully this weekend) and can't wait to get creative making things for my 9 neices and nephews!
ReplyDeleteHi! I am Chantie, from St. George, Utah. While I was growing up, we always colored our own eggs for Easter, and then hid them over and over again until they were too broken to hide anymore. It was a fun way to celebrate the holiday! Thanks for the entry!
ReplyDeleteHi Angela. I'm Sherry from Illinois. I'm married to my high school sweetie for 32 years now. We have two grown kids, a son & a daughter and a 6 y/o granddaughter. I have fond memories of dying easter eggs with my brother and sister and going on an easter egg hunt in our yard (when the weather cooperated or indoors when it didn't)! :) Enjoyed these things with our kids and now our granddaughter. We always had a family Easter dinner after church and that tradition continues. Thanks for offering the giveaway. Love your tutorial over at Moda's BakeShop.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Di from Michigan and when we were young, my mom used to dress my sister and I up in almost matching clothes and threaten us with dire consequences if we got messed up before we got to church on Easter. Well, you can imagine how twitchy we got waiting for mom and dad to get ready. That year, my sister dared me to climb our neighbors tree and I did. We both were a total mess by the time my mom figured out what we were up to. Mom was not too pleased, to say the least. We still tease her (she's 86 now) about how she tried to chase us down the street in her beautiful dress and high heels!
ReplyDeleteAngela, I just discovered your blog today and am very glad I did. Thanks to A Quilt Life! My memory of Easter as a child was a new dress, and typical for those of us that grew up in the 60's a hat (bonnet) and gloves to wear to church. And of course an Easter egg hunt in the back yard. Oh, and egg salad sandwiches for the next few days!
Hi my name is Tamara and I live in Nebraska. We did not celebrate Easter with a bunny or Easter baskets, but we would hunt those brightly colored eggs. My dad would hid them so well it would take what seemed like forever to find them. Easter was a time for family and the true meaning of the holiday.
ReplyDeleteI'm 29, married with 4 children - 3 boys and 1 girl. I loooove sewing! My dad was a truck driver, and used to drive for Darrell Lea, and at Easter they made the most delicious eggs... My dad used to get boxes filled with all the varieties from the factories when picking up his deliveries. We were so excited as children are at Easter - but we seemed to have never ending chocolate! I've been a fan for a while - love your blog!
Loved your weekend project it turned out awesome and I love the tutorial. My granddaughter will look to cute in this little gem.
Hi Angela,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Karen and I am from Rhode Island. I am married to the greatest husband and have 2 beautiful teenage daughters. Our tradition is to have the girls open all the little gifts in their baskets, go to Easter Sunday mass and then to my in-laws for the best breakfast ever!! In the afternoon, it's our house for Easter dinner. We also have an egg hunt at each meal with all the relatives.
Thanks for the chance,
Angela, one Easter (1961?)my family traveled from UT to CA to visit Uncle Myrl and Aunt Devinney. We stayed in a rickety motel in Mesquite NV and our parents hid the Easter eggs. We found all but one and my sister (5) and I (7) were so tickled about that, thinking that it would turn rotten and make the room stink. One of my favorite Easter memories. Would love to win!!
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Sherri from Logandale Nevada...I'm happily married to a great guy, and we have four terrific children! I've always loved Easter because my Mom always made me a new dress and bought me new white sandals, lace socks, and sometimes even gloves and a hat! I love to decorate for Easter, and I love to color eggs with my kids!
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Jenny from Missouri. When we were kids my mom would hide paper eggs that we could cash in for candy. I guess she didn't want candy or eggs left in the yard. We still do it today! Count me in!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm Sarah, mom to 3 cuties, 2 girls and a baby boy. One of my favorite childhood Easter memories is picking flowers that morning to take to church. Our church made a cross every year from the Christmas tree truck, wrapped it in chicken wire, and on Easter all the kids covered it in flowers.
ReplyDeletehello .. i'm karen in ca. the best memories of all are of the family being able to attend church together on easter. the kids could not wait until after church to go egg hunting ... us adults would have great fun filling plastic eggs with candy and goodies and hiding them everywhere in the yard and i mean A LOT of them .. the kids thought it was great fun and there were times they were not all found as evidenced by their appearance months down the road :) ... unfortunately for us we never kept count.
ReplyDeleteWhat lovely prizes...and a happy birthday wish to you as well.
ReplyDeleteConnie W
Hi, I'm Becky and I live in Arkansas. I am married to a wonderful man and have three great step-kids and two beautiful granddaughters, ages 8 & 5. They are the lights of my life. I remember growing up that I would get a new Easter dress every year. I still buy myself a new Easter dress even now. I love Aviary! What a great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteWe adopted our teenage daughter 6 months ago. This is her second Easter with us. We are now trying to add some new traditions to her life and also take some of her previous traditions incorporated into our family. Life changes daily for us.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win! I'm Margaret, late 40's, a SAHM, and I love to stitch and quilt. I wish I had a little one to sew for, but I can sew for friends instead! :D
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Wendy and mom to 4 daughters who have all of a sudden become young women or are on their way. When they were little I loved to make them the prettiest and twirliest dresses I could and they would all let me. And we'd have Easter egg hunts before church. These days I've become known by their friends for my seasonal candy dishes that I like to keep filled and they try to keep emptied.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway!
My name is Amy. My husband and I live in Kansas. I just started quilting about 1 1/2 years ago. I'm addicted! Easter was always a special time at our house. Even as older kids we would decorate eggs. My Dad made a painting for us of the Easter Bunny collecting eggs. We always put that out at Easter. I still have the painting today. I'll never part with it.
ReplyDeleteI see lots of Amy's in the comments - my name is also Amy! I am always either sewing or thinking about sewing! I love Easter and like coloring the eggs most of all. We always did it on Good Friday, because my parents were both teachers, and they were off that day along with us. We have 2 sons, and I get the biggest kick out of the fact that my husband loves dying the eggs, too - we have to wait for him, and I have to make 3 dozen hard-boiled eggs for the 4 of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm Ariana from Minnesota. We used to dye eggs and I loved getting a brand new dress to work for church and when family came over. My mom used to make a big meal for our extended family- it was a lot of fun. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI am Stacey in Maine, I like staying home on Easter. I always try to do other things than candy for Easter. this year the kids are getting fabric covered journals and markers (the three big kids and the little one is getting triangle crayons) and maybe a little bunny or something but maybe not, since I am making a devine chocolate peanut butter dessert!!
ReplyDeleteI remember on Easter my parents would give us these lovely chocolate eggs. I would eat mine so quickly, and my brother who was not a sweets craver like I am kept his FOREVER. I can remember sneaking in to his room to figure out ways to take a bite and not have him know!!!! SO BAD....true confessions. Thanks for the chance to win, and may the Easter season bless you and your family. XX Annie
ReplyDeleteHello from 9,000 feet and Lake City, Colorado. Easter usually falls around my Mom and Step-Dad's wedding anniversary, so we'd make a trip up to a family member's farm. I'd wake up on Easter morning and get my treats then go out and play with the animals or play house in an abandoned chicken coop.
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting this great giveaway and Happy Birthday!
I'm from Michigan, so we could never count on the weather for an outdoor egg hunt. For example, we are due for snow this week. My mom always hid eggs around the house and I had a great time finding them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the generous giveaway, and happy birthday! I don't celebrate Easter, but I'm learning how to dye eggs tomorrow, and I'm excited for that.
ReplyDeleteHi Angela,
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday. I love your blog - it's so much fun and you are how I found Moda Bake Shop! Love that site also. We were brought up Catholic so we always went to church on Easter and wore new dresses, hats, gloves and the patent leather purses. So much fun! I had forgotten about all of that until you asked the question. Then of course an Easter egg hunt with all the cousins. Fabulous giveaway and I would love to win as I really love the new pattern!
Laura T
Hi Angela and Happy B-day!
ReplyDeleteI'm Laine from Illinois. I have 2 grandbabies and a new grandson arriving in June possibly on my B-day. What would Easter be without an Easter egg hunt. Through out the year while cutting the lawn or doing yard work my dad would find hidden eggs that we missed.
I hope I'm lucky enough to win your wonderful give away!
Angela - The fabrics are geourgous and your designs even better. Almost makes me wish I had little ones in the house again! NOT! (mine are 22 and 19!)
ReplyDeleteI'm Julianna from Chicago and I think April must be a lovely month for a birthday. Mine is in January with lots of snow and cold. I have 3 girls, 6,4,1 so I do lots of sewing aroung here and we love anything pink. In Canada (where I grew up) there is Easter (on Sunday) and then Easter Monday that all the kids have off school as well so the Easter Bunny visited on Easter Monday. I already bought a ham and have and Easter menue planned out. I LOVE Easter. Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeletewow!! you are very generous! Please enter me in!! I totally love the Aviary line...it's gorgeous! Jo xo
ReplyDeleteHi. I'm Kelli from Washington state. I have 3 kids (13, 11, and 3) and because of the range in their ages, the Easter Bunny is always trying to make egg hunting fair in our household. That smart bunny leaves a colored note in each of their baskets letting each kid know what color eggs to look for. The older the kid, the harder the difficulty in finding the right eggs.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found your site and the Moda Bake Shop as well. I've been having a blast making some of the projects over there.
Hi, Angela. We loved decorating Easter eggs, trying on our new church clothes for "spring" (even if "spring" was still a distant memory given Michigan's weather!), church flowers, and ham and cheesy potatoes. It's the simple things, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteOur tradition is creating bunny rolls. You use a cinnamon roll dough and instead of rolling into cinnamon rolls, you roll the dough into logs. You tie the dough into a knot and the long ends become ears and the knot becomes the face. After baking, you frost the little head and ears, and add raisins for the eyes and a red hot candy for the nose. We love to eat our bunnies on Easter morning.....
Hi, I'm Natalie. I live in northern Missouri. One of my favorite Easter traditions (aside from new dresses!) is one we did for the first time last year. We filled our kids Easter baskets and hid them. Then wrote a little riddle with clues leading them all over the place until they finally found it. They loved it! we had fun too! Have a happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteHowdy girl!! I'm a first time blogger to your site...love it.
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated birthday!!!! This dress is so pretty can't wait to make one for Brooke.
what a great giveaway. Please enter me in the draw. As if the pattern isn't grand enough, a jelly roll too. Thanks so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAngela....When I was a little girl we would go to church on Easter Sunday. When we came home from church, there were little wooden rabbits all around the yard with baskets and other treats hidden everywhere around the yard. Mysteriously, my grandma and grandpa had arrived and "found" the surprise just before we got there. It was a magical and wonderful time and for years...we believed! I still believe in the wonder of Easter and share it with my children and grandchildren with new traditions full of hope!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the giveaway looks yummy!
I love the pattern. It's really cute and the kids are precious.
ReplyDeleteThanks for adding the Jelly Rolls.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday.
Hi Angela,
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun pattern, I would love to win it and make a few cute little dresses out of it. Ok, my name is Nicole and I have three kids and one on the way, we are really excited! Hmmm.....easter tradition, well we always have a yummy dinner at grandma's house with ham and potatoes and all of that fun stuff, definitely a tradition to keep up! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
absolutely adorable photo and patterns!!! thanks for the opportunity giveaway too!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Candice and I am currently living in Sunny California. I married to a great guy and we have 2 boys and 1 girl.Since we moved away from our family in Utah 2+ years ago we have really missed out on a super fun humungous family easter egg hunt. So we need to do our own tiny little easter egg hunt here. boo hoo hoo. Hope you have a great easter and I hope I win!
hi angela.
ReplyDeletewell i'm rachel. me & the fam call ohio home sweet home. {even though i'm from georgia.} our easter traditions would include the easter bunny leaving baskets for the griffith kiddos, a massive easter egg hunt, a beautiful church service, and of course we have easter dinner. yum.
{we always make easter sugar cookies too.}
p.s. happy birthday angela!!!
Happy Birthday! I would love the chance to win! Please add me to the drawing!
ReplyDeleteI'm Conni from Missouri, mom to 2, Grandma to 1! Easter is my favorite time...above Christmas! Easter memories include sunrise services at church, and making my daughter a new dress to wear to church.
ReplyDeleteI'm Angie and i live in a tiny town in N. California called Hydesville. I have one baby boy 14months old. We are very happy because we just got him "grass broke" in time for Easter. I LOVE coloring eggs. Loved it as a kid, love it now!
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Val. My birthday is this weekend too!!! I am from Texas, married to my high-school sweetheart for 12+ years now. We have two children, a girl and a boy. I just finished my FIRST QUILT!!! On Easter as a child, we would dye eggs and leave out baskets out. When we awoke in the morning the Easter Bunny would have hidden the eggs and filled out baskets with treats. There was ALWAYS an egg hidden in the sugar bowl...my mom would tell me that the Easter Bunny always did this with she was a child too ;-)
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping I win the great prize!!!
Hi...my name is Betsy and I too am from Texas! On Easter we would wake up and hunt eggs then go off to church. After that we would have a big Easter meal with family and friends. Our Easter bunny always hid an egg in the microwave. I loved cadbury eggs and coloring eggs. We hid real eggs...not plastic eggs.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Happy Birthday Happy Birthday. Wow what a generous give away. Love that fabric line in teh jelly roll especially
ReplyDeleteFirst, Happy late Birthday! Mandy here from Utah, I am a wife and a mom of 4 awesome kiddos ages ranging from 3-8. My mom was one of those moms that did every holiday to the 9's. Someday maybe I will have an ounce of the creativity she did with holiday magic. Ha! I have two favorites, one is coloring on easter eggs with white crayon and then dipping them to reveal the secret message. The second was that my mom used to do a hunt for us to find our baskets where she would hide clues and we would have to go clue to clue to get our booty. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Carolyn from Maryland. I love Moda fabrics!!! I have four children ages 10 to 20 and a husband who supports all my creative endeavors! One we're looking forward to this week is dying eggs multiple colors, creating new patterns and color combos. Even my teenage son loves to participate! My youngest two have already started hiding plastic eggs filled with candy all over the house and the yard. They'll have fun sending each other on hunts all week. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI would eat the ears off the hollow chocolate bunnies. It had to be hollow- I didn't like the solid ones. Love the fabric and pattern. Those outfits would look great on my grandkids.
ReplyDeleteI just found the 3 sisters honeybuns. Very pretty, I Love them! The dress and suspenders are adorable.
ReplyDeleteTina Kay
Happy Birthday to you! I'm Mary Ann from RocknQuilts and I live in northern USA where we still have snow - I'm not sure if it will all be gone for Easter, but I have fond memories of Easter egg hunts inside the house, so I guess there must have been snow at Easter when I was a child. My mother (unbeknownst to me) left my surprise home-made Easter basket filled with eggs and a chocolate Easter bunny for me in a new spot each year. I had to "hunt" and see if I could find it. That was always so much fun! Now I get to do the same with my 17 and 9 year old children.