Friday, July 1, 2011

4 months.

Just a quick belly update...

1st Trimester is over and on to the 2nd.  Luckily during my first trimester I experienced no nausea or morning sickness. I did seem to get tired fairly quickly and I actually have had a very healthy appetite with this pregnancy which is sooo completely different from my previous pregnancies.  With my other two kiddos, I craved very unhealthy foods and could eat and eat.  Not with this one... which I actually am kind of thankful for. :)  My cravings consist of chicken and fruits... lots and lots of fruit. My energy level is finally ramping back up and I am feeling pretty darn great!

Anyway... stay tuned for the ever growing belly shots.


  1. You are so tiny! You look great!

  2. Congratulations, first goalpost achieved, on to the next one. I'm glad you're feeling well. Pregnancy were the best of times for me, I felt so happy and optimistic...
    Best wishes for you and your family

  3. Aw, you look so cute! I didn't even know you were expecting. CONGRATS to the whole family. I bet I know two little ones that are super excited for a new baby brother or sister. ;o)

  4. Congrats! I was wondering if you would post some belly shots for an update!

  5. Hi Angela.. Congratulations!! I am also 10 Weeks along.. My due Date is Feb 20th... Better start on some more baby quilts!

  6. Congrats Angela i miss being pregnant my little one is almost 8 months old.
    With my first all I wanted was fruit my second unhealthy and my last a little of both


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