
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Roman Numeral 3

I keep meaning to post these pictures I took when Roman turned 3 months old, but the time just keeps getting past me.  It is so very busy around our household... kids are out of school for Spring Break this week, I am working on some new developments for work, my book is in the final stages at the publisher, Paige is now taking gymnastics and playing softball... well, you get the point. ;)

This last month, Roman has grown even more. I am not sure of his weight or height this month since we do not have a doc appointment until his 4 month checkup.

Still cutting out the Dairy products. I did try to have a little, but it is just not worth it. A much happier baby when I stay away from the dairy. So for all you nursing mom's out there... it really makes a difference. You decide... crying baby or no dairy.

 I love watching him change everyday. He is cooing like crazy and even lets out a giggle or two every once in awhile.

He is now a pro at holding up his head when he is on his belly.

 Love this kiddo!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Congratulations to Judy from Sew, Rip, Repeat!

She will receive a signed copy of the two books that I have contributed to, Fresh Fabric Treats and Modern Blocks Book, both published by Stash Books.

Judy said...
How wonderful! There are never any cute boy things to make. Can't wait to see it.
February 27, 2012

Thanks so much to everyone for the wonderful comments you left. I especially thank all of you who joined me in doing a happy dance.  WOO HOO!  It really made my day to hear the excitement you all have about my new book coming out for boys!

You can pre-order a signed copy of my new book on my Etsy store. I will also be publishing any shows and events that I will be attending for book signings and more so keep checking back!

This book can also be pre-ordered from your local quilt shop and