
Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

Just want to wish a Happy Labor Day to everyone. I hope your weekend is filled with fun and relaxation! We had some friends from Richie's (hubby) work over and their families yesterday for some food and fun to celebrate Labor Day. I really enjoyed having everyone over... it was a lot of fun. We had the traditional american holiday food... hamburgers and hot dogs... YUMMM!

After we ate the kids went out side to play and we put out the bubble machine. They loved it! Paige and Thera took it over... they made sure to let me know when the bubbles were running out. It was too cute! Whoever invented this bubble machine has got to be making a fortune! This is the best outside toy for toddlers... they all just sit around it watching the bubbles come out! I got mine from Target. Just invest in a lot of AA batteries and a refill bottle of bubbles and just keep pouring them in. Lots of fun! Today, Richie actually had to work so the kids and I are going to Granny and Poppy's to spend some time with them. Have a great Labor Day and stay safe!

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