
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

30 Days and Counting....

It has officially started.... the chocolate and Dr. Pepper cravings have kicked into gear in preparation for Quilt Market. Market is quickly approaching and I am sooo looking forward to it... new web developments, chocolate, new fabrics and products, Dr. P, new ideas, chocolate, the long hours, more chocolate and DP, the excitement of market.... did I mention chocolate? No kidding... I truly love it when market rolls around... it is an adrennaline rush for quilters. I may be a web developer, however I definitely enjoy sewing when the time permits. I have been munching on Peanut M&M's all week and I had to change it up a bit tonight, so I made brownies with extra chocolate chips after dinner. YUMMM!!! Want some?

On another note... We are holding another challenge on our Moda Fabricmatcher website! WOOHOO!

The Fabricmatcher contest for October 2008 will be featuring one of our Moda Fabric Designers, Fig Tree Quilts. Joanna Figueroa with Fig Tree Quilts has gladly accepted to be apart of our October Contest.

The rules for the contest are as follows:

1 – You must only use the fabrics designed by Fig Tree Quilts. You may also mix and match any of her collections to use in your project. Simply select Fig Tree Quilts as the Designer on the Find Fabrics page to select your fabrics for your project.

2 – You can use any pattern available on our Moda Fabricmatcher website under Find Patterns. They do not have to be designed by Fig Tree Quilts in order to participate.

3 – Your project must be named “Fun with Figs“ in order to be eligible. You may enter as many projects as you wish, however they must have “Fun with Figs“ as the project name. Simply number them with a 1, 2, 3, etc. after the name.

4 – The “Fun with Figs” Contest will end on October 31, 2008 at midnight.

REMEMBER: You must have your Stash including your Projects available for the Public to view. You can make your stash public by following the instructions under the heading “How to enter” on the Win a Quilt Kit page under the Show & Tell tab.

The Moda judges and Joanna with Fig Tree Quilts will select and announce the winning project the first week of November 2008. The winner of this contest will win a Moda Fabric bundle and a set of patterns all designed by Fig Tree Quilts and will be posted on our Moda Fabricmatcher website.



  1. DP and chocolate? It's like we were meant to be friends!! Those are my two major weaknesses too. I drank so much DP before Spring Market that I had withdrawals afterwards... I'm not kidding! It's like drinking a little bit of heaven. :-)

    The Fabricmatcher contest sounds fun! I'll send some people your way. I'm headed there now!

  2. Okay, that last comment was really me, Camille. Darn shared computer..... ha ha

  3. Chocolate and Dr Pepper are also my weaknesses!

    I just did a little project Fun with Figs challenge -- how fun!
